i was standing by the ghost
pissing when i saw the light
shining it closely resembled
mars defacing the earth
was afraid the house was
crashing the moonlight was
unforgiving i thought i could save
it and brody and footpenis
so i floated over the soybeans and
pushing through the dark
with my hands the stars were white
like lasers so was the moon face
face with the blackness that was
the earth my mortality hovered
above me like a billboard the
earth had slapped me in the
that wasn't possible so i did it
again the whites of my eyes
violated by a black pupil black
as an anti-moon told me
earth doesn't want me here the
ghost consumed me relevant hand
motions explained why the belly
of the beast is now muddier than the
when your life sprints
across a soybean field in the
moonshine towards anything
the earth slaps me in the face